Well, it seems like a lot has happened since I last posted, probably because it was like four months ago. Anyways, here is a semi-quick recap of the last few months....

Well, it seems like a lot has happened since I last posted, probably because it was like four months ago. Anyways, here is a semi-quick recap of the last few months....
Posted by Lacy Blake at 8:48 PM 8 comments
Bailey and I went to Oregon for a couple of weeks in August to spend some time with my family. My sister Rishelle flew up from Houston with her kids and we had lots of fun riding horses, freezing corn, learning to moon walk, and cleaning out my parents basement - in which we discovered several exciting treasures including $150 hiding in old Birthday cards, purple leg warmers, our high school jeans - which unfortunately looked similar to "mom jeans" sporting 9 inch zippers, very large hips, and tapered legs - a strange note written by my sister telling us that "we will be better off without her and to take good care of her things" that she has no recollection of writing, and my old baseball card collection complete with Nolan Ryan's Rookie Card.
Posted by Lacy Blake at 2:22 PM 6 comments
Posted by Lacy Blake at 12:02 PM 1 comments
Posted by Lacy Blake at 2:45 PM 2 comments